Research on Matrix Reconstruction in RAID Controller RAID控制器中矩阵重构方法研究
This paper presents a expression of all freedom degrees in the design of gain matrix of output feedback controller by some free parameters, and discusses the problems of designing the output feedback matrix with minimum norm and the robustness of the closed-loop system. 利用自由参数给出了输出反馈控制器增益矩阵设计全部自由度的一个显示表达式,并讨论了利用所得到的自由参数来设计具有最小范数输出反馈矩阵问题和闭环系统鲁棒性问题。
Take place of error correct matrix with fuzzy prediction controller and improve entire system. 用模糊预测控制器取代误差校正器,完成对整个系统的改进。
The improved bumpless transfer ( BT) schemes for dynamic matrix controller ( DMC) and generalized predictive controller ( GPC) are presented. 提出了关于动态矩阵控制器(DMC)与广义预测控制器(GPC)的改进无扰切换方法。
Long-distance intelligent safety precaution system consists of spot decoder, video matrix controller and protective central computer etc. It functions as an intelligent, all-round safeguard to the important manufacture place from a long-range. 远程智能安全防范系统由前端解码器、电视矩阵控制器、防范控制中心计算机等各子系统的构成,具有对重要生产场所进行远程、智能及全方位的安全防范监控功能。
Then, using the energy shaping and feedback stabilization theory of PCH system, the desired Hamiltonian function of closed-loop system is given. The interconnection and damping matrix are assigned, and the controller is designed. The equilibrium stability of the system is also analyzed. 然后,利用PCH系统的能量成形和反馈镇定原理,给出了闭环系统期望的哈密顿函数,配置了互联和阻尼矩阵,设计了控制器,并分析了平衡点的稳定性。
The controller is designed by using maximum membership which overcomes the difficulty in solving common matrix P. A new controller is designed by using Lyapunov theory to ensure the stability of fuzzy dynamic system is insured. 采用隶属函数最大法设计控制器,克服了并行分配补偿法求解公共正定矩阵P的困难,用Lyapunov稳定性理论设计出确保模糊动态模型全局渐近稳定的新型控制器。
The robust stable controller is designed with the minimum upper bound theorem of the real symmetric matrix set for the interval matrix system. The designed controller can make the uncertain nonlinear system robust stable. 再对区间矩阵系统应用实对称矩阵集合的最小上界定理进行鲁棒控制器设计,从而达到对原非线性系统的鲁棒稳定控制。
The closed loop transfer function matrix of such a system must be singular, so the closed loop transfer function should be assumed a singular matrix before the robust controller is designed. 考虑到此系统的闭环传递函数阵一定是奇异的,将闭环传递函数阵即补灵敏度函数设为奇异阵,设计出鲁棒控制器。
This article introduces 2-layer control structure, designing principle of dynamic matrix controller and operating effect. 本文介绍双层控制结构及动态矩阵控制器设计原理及运行效果。
Relay-matrix Sequence Controller 继电器-矩阵式顺控器
An implicit self-turning dynamic matrix controller is presented. 给出了1种隐式自校正动态矩阵控制器。
The modular multivariable dynamic matrix controller ( MMDMC) exploited by author and its application is introduced. 介绍我们自己开发的模块多变量动态矩阵控制(MMDMC)软件包及其应用。
This paper introduces modular multivariable dynamic matrix controller. 本文介绍阶梯式模块多变量动态矩阵控制器。
All uncertainties considered in this paper include the uncertainty in state matrix, the uncertainty in control input matrix and the uncertainty in controller implementation. 论文在研究控制器设计时考虑的不确定性包括系统状态矩阵,控制输入矩阵以及控制器自身的不确定性,控制器的不确定性均采用了一定的约束描述。
A New Method for Bumpless Switching of Dynamic Matrix Controller DMC控制器的一种新的无扰切换方法
Modular Multivariable Dynamic Matrix Controller Software Package ( MMDMC) and Its Application 模块多变量动态矩阵控制(MMDMC)软件包及其应用
Design of Weighting Matrix for Optimal Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm 基于遗传算法的最优控制加权阵的设计
A parameter design made for a dynamic matrix controller based on GA 基于遗传算法的动态矩阵控制器参数设计
By extending the condition of specified disk pole assignment for linear certain systems, a sufficient condition described by a Riccati equation is derived for linear discrete uncertain systems, and a method for determining the gain matrix controller is given. 导出了一个由离散代数Ricati方程表示的对线性离散不确定系统进行区域极点配置的充分条件,并给出了一个通过求解该方程来确定状态反馈增益矩阵的算法。
The Matlab tool function lqr is adopted to acquire the corresponding feedback plus matrix of optimized controller. Then, the program of feedback matrix and pendulum control is realized. 应用Matlab工具函数lqr,得到最优控制器对应的反馈增益矩阵,由此实现求反馈矩阵及倒立摆控制的程序。
Feed back control gain matrix of modal controller can be set up according to given damping ratio by proposed method. 对于给定的阻尼率,应用本文提出的方法可以方便地设计出符合要求的反馈控制增益矩阵。
The problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain time-delayed systems was addressed. The uncertainties existed both in the systematic matrix, and in the controller gain. 研究了一类不确定时滞系统的保性能控制问题,其不确定性不仅存在于系统矩阵,而且存在于控制器的增益中。
A predictive model of dynamic matrix controller is established based on the step responsive coefficient. 然后利用该模型的阶跃响应系数建立塔顶温度动态矩阵预测控制器的预测模型,并设计控制器参数。
Detailed research is carried out for the selection of the state weighting matrix to ensure the designed controller towards the closed-loop system to own good dynamic response. 在对二次型最优控制加权矩阵的选取了做了大量研究工作,以保证所设计的控制器对于闭环系统有良好的动态响应特性。
Since the number of free-weighting matrices is reduced when introducing free-weighting matrix, the given parameter-dependent controller is easier to implement. 7. 由于在引入自由权矩阵时,减少了所用的自由矩阵数目,使得给出的控制器更易于实现。
The non-linear matrix inequality involved in the controller design is transformed into nonlinear programming problem constrained by non-linear matrix using a cone complementarity linearization algorithm. 采用锥补线性化思想将控制器设计中涉及的非线性矩阵不等式的求解问题转化为一个受线性矩阵不等式约束的非线性规划问题。
The non-fragile stabilization problem for stochastic delay-varying systems with polytopic-type uncertainties is discussed, and the perturbed matrix in the actual implemented controller is assumed satisfying polytopic-type uncertainties ( a sort of more natural description). 研究了凸多面体不确定随机时滞系统的非脆弱鲁棒镇定问题,其中控制器不确定性采用的是凸多面体不确定描述(也是比较自然的描述)。